This is Cashflow
A block theme to help creators get paid.

26 Feb ’24: Day 3 Debrief
Live at 8am ET today
In part three, Tammie and Kim will discuss loose ends and review progress.
19 Feb ’24: Day 2 Debrief
In part two, Tammie and Kim will go through progress and discuss some challenges working strictly in theme.json for a theme that’s intended to work closely with large platform plugins like Paid Memberships Pro.
5 Feb ’24: Day 1 Debrief
In part one, Tammie brings Kim up to speed on the first day of converting Memberlite from a classic theme to a block theme. We discuss the structure of theme.json, make decisions about font sizes, color, naming, and next steps.
About the Open Source Project
Live streams (planning and dev) on YouTube coming soon

Built for @pmproplugin-powered membership sites
Development by @karmatosed‘s Classic to Block service
Based on the Memberlite classic theme by @colemank83
Theme name credit to @ChrisBadgett
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