This is Cashflow

A block theme to help creators get paid.

26 Feb ’24: Day 3 Debrief

Live at 8am ET today

In part three, Tammie and Kim will discuss loose ends and review progress.

19 Feb ’24: Day 2 Debrief

In part two, Tammie and Kim will go through progress and discuss some challenges working strictly in theme.json for a theme that’s intended to work closely with large platform plugins like Paid Memberships Pro.

5 Feb ’24: Day 1 Debrief

In part one, Tammie brings Kim up to speed on the first day of converting Memberlite from a classic theme to a block theme. We discuss the structure of theme.json, make decisions about font sizes, color, naming, and next steps.


Development by @karmatosed‘s Classic to Block service


Theme name credit to @ChrisBadgett

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